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How to Fight the Flu With Your Heating System

Fight Flu Heating System Neal's Heating and Air

Flu season is one of the worst times of the year. No one likes colds, but at least you can function. But the flu is a different animal. It’s miserable. And so are you, when you get it. However, you can actually fight the flu with your heating system. It’s true! You can prep your heating system to help keep you healthy.

But how can simple heating help? It’s all about indoor air quality. When you allow mold, dust, and bacteria to flourish, your flu can feel worse and take longer to run its course. The better your air is indoors, the less contagion will spread. And, the faster you’ll be able to recover.

Keep reading to find out how to fight the flu with your heating system.


How to Fight the Flu With Your Heating System: 3 Strategic Steps

After the first step, the rest are in no particular order. Some are upgrades that you may need help with, and some are easy tasks. They can all make a difference.


1. Replace Your Air Filters Monthly

Mark your calendar for this one. Dirty air filters equal dirty air in your lungs.

But do you really need to change it? Won’t vacuuming do the trick? Nope. A clean, new filter is essential. Your filter isn’t just expensive floor origami. It’s a barrier that keeps contaminants out of your indoor air. And, swapping out your air filters every month can make your heating and cooling system last much longer.

But there’s more. If you keep an old, dirty air filter in the vent, it starts to let all those germs and contaminants back into your air – and all around your home. That’s the last thing you want if you’re trying to keep the flu at bay.

To Do: buy an air filter with a high MERV rating. Viruses and bacteria have a harder time spreading when trapped in one of these excellent filters. Give us a call for info about what filter is best for your HVAC system.


2. Raise Your Air Humidity

If you feel like your air is dry, it probably is. You may have cracked skin, bleeding nose, all those lovely cold weather symptoms. But higher humidity isn’t just good for your skin. It also makes for a less hospitable environment for germs and viruses. They thrive in low humidity. But watch out! Crank it too high, and mold will make itself at home.

Any heating system in good condition will help regulate humidity. All you need to do is put it into the air.

To Do: install a system-wide humidifier or use cool air humidifiers to avoid burns and the too-damp feel of hot, humid air.


3. Get a Good Air Purifier

Know how to fight the flu with your heating system? Install a system-based air purifier. Your filter carries some weight – but your air purifier is an Olympic powerlifter. With both, your indoor air quality will be amazing.

Remember – you’re not looking for a room air purifier. If you get one of those, you’ll have a bubble of clean air, while the rest of the house is neglected.

However, a system-based air purifier knocks contaminants out of your whole home’s air fast. In fact, all your air cycles fresh an average of once every 11.5 minutes. Don’t give airborne bacteria, mold, and pollen a chance to worsen your flu symptoms.

To Do: choose a photocatalytic oxidation air purifier. You probably won’t need to replace filters, and this type of purifier works wonders.




To make your heating system help fight the flu, Neal’s Heating and Air can help. Our licensed, professional techs in North Georgia can come out to install an air purifier or humidifier to keep your air healthy. Just call us at (706) 764-7185 or request a free consultation today!